Monday, May 30, 2005

A phone call to break the bordem.

Well, here i was sitting in front of my computer, attempting to work, and learn how to play the Super Mario Brothers theme song when my phone rings.

A nice voice asking me if they could speak to Barbara Delaney (my mum)
Well, anyhow, after me fidling around and trying to mind what they wanted me to look at in order to change my electricity thing....

We start chatting, anyway, this is a 21 year old vietnamese girl, named vanessa that is working at this place, born on the 19th of september, has travelled to malaysia (and hated it) tailand and vietnam....... i thought... hey, that's interesting...

Anyway, after talking for a bit, we hang up... and i thought that was it... BUT was it???

While i was posting this blog thing, she rings again, and this time asks for my email address and is gonna send something, so i'm gonna go have a look now.. hope it isn't something weird!!!

Anyway, that was my interesting blog for the day.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Live and Learn and Pass It On~

I found a book that has a whole bunch of "things i've learned" quotes, and i believe some of them are quite profound, so when i have too much time, or trying to just get away from work, i will up date this list.

I've learned that you can't hide a piece of broccoli in your glass of milk
-age 7

I've learned that a person is only as good as his or her word
-age 90

I've learned that good advice is hard to give but even harder to follow
-age 68

I've learned at least once in his life, a man makes a fool of himself over a women
-age 46

I've learned that you can be in love with 4 girls at the same time
-age 9

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the happiness of his wife and the respect given him by his children
-age 51

I've learned that children and grandparents are natual allies
-age 46

I've learned that even when you schedule a doctor's appointment at 8:00 am you still have to wait an hour.
-age 42

I've learned that I shouldn't go grocery shopping when i'm hungry
-age 38

I've learned that I should never praise my mother's cooking when I'm eating something fixed by my wife
-age 27

I've learned that nothing really bad happens when you tear those little "do not remove" tags from the pillow
-age 31

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.
-age 65

I've learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away from the phone.
-age 50

I've learned that i makes me sad when i'm the last one chosen for a team.
-age 9

I've learned that if you care, it shows.
-age 30

Saturday, May 28, 2005

How Much I Love These, Solomon Style

Let me tell you, how much i love thee, biblicly.

Behold, you are fair, my love,
Behold, you are fair(1:15)

Refresh me with apples,
For i am lovesick (2:5)

My beloved, you are like a 400 pound horse
With nice cheeks. (paraphrased 1:9)

Your hair is like a flock of goats,
Your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep.
Everyone on of these animals bares twins (ow) (4:1-2)

Your neck is like a big long long tower,
made of big stones. (paraphrased 4:1)

Your breasts are like two fawns (??)
Twins of gazelle (4:5)

My love, you shower daily, thus you have no spots. (paraphrased 4:7)

How much better is your love than wine,
oh Please, oh please 400 pound horse,
Come and be thine.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

First Angels/Ward Night.

Well, Today was the first angel and wards night, as the title obviously says, and it was quite intersting, it seems that whoever had an angel who is a guy, didn't get anything... lol... funny.

But anyway, we also did this personality thing, and it's good to see that i have a heart, although supposively (yah.) jen doesn't have a heart... which does explain at least a couple of things :D

I forgot to write about skirmish, except for the fact i had a weird gay walk for quite some time, but skirmish was really fun, i got to shoot people, yell at people, and pretend to be a real soldier. Soooo cool, i was running around yelling at people to get into position, to aim in a direction and keep cover fire and stuff. Felt like a commando.

Although one crappy thing about skirmish is the masks, because my nose is so flat, there is a huge gap in the face mask, because it's made for white people, so as soon as i start running anywhere, i can't see Jack...

One round, i managed to get lost from the other 3 guys with me (they all got shot) and then stumble back to my base area to shoot 3 guys in the ass. MAAHHHA, yes, yes, my life is complete.
But i'm hoping next time we can do battle against ccm's perhaps something like, CCM group vrs Africans... :p

Servay tonight was interesting, i'm a compassionate administrater, i think that means i have issues that are vaugely organized.

Anyway, tonight is getting long, and i need sleep.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What Love is and what Ben isn't


Love is patient,
love is kind,
love does not envy,
love does not boast.
love is not puffed up (NKJ)
Love does not behave rudely,
love does not seek it's own,
love is not provoked
love thinks no evil,
Love does not rejoice in iniquity,
But rejoices in truth
Love bears all things,
Believes all things
Hopes All things
Endures all things.
LovE NeVEr FaILs

Monday, May 23, 2005

How Do You Love?

In the last few weeks, i've tried being a more loving person, more kind, more patient, more compassionate. Although it has really been hard and i don't understand why. I talk to god about it alot, and i pray about it, yet everytime i try to care about some people i just end up getting angry at them.

I don't know what to do, and i guess there is no point to get upset, god will vindicate me.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Skirmish, the hidden dangers!!

Well, yesterday i went skirmishing, and now i have to say, i feel like i'm crippled. Walking around today at church made me feel like my legs were in plaster. My ass making a funny swaying motion as i pathetically attempted to run around trying to organize things. But luckily gods grace has been sufficient, and people didn't notice my almost gay like running because of the humungus pimple on my nose, that no less then 3 people decided to remind me of today.

But other than that, church service was really good. I felt so good in the last week, i prayed just for a break from everything and god has really provided and re-newed my faith. I felt such a need to pray for james today, about his brother, and i urge anybody reading this to say a quick prayer for him, his brother is seriously ill, and could die. If that was your brother, sister, father or mother, you would want everyone to pray for him, so i ask, if not beg you, please pray for him, for there is power in prayer.

Other than that, not much going on today. I find that caring for people is hard, but it's something i love. I'm definitly looking forward to leading in 2 weeks time, (sing sing sing!!)
Oh and on the topic of singing, i think for her first time, elsa did really well on back up. I was impressed. Sing for god, and you will sound good. That's what i think anyway.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

How Ben Found God. (Long)

Since most people don't know how i became a christian, i thought i would write my story about how God, and my lord Jesus Christ came into my life.

It was about 2 and a half years ago, that i first started going to CCM group (christian campus movement)

During this time, i was heavily addicted to gaming (playing games) and was spending about 6-8 hours A DAY playing this stupid game called Counter-strike (i think maybe it was created by demons). I was heavily addicted to other things as well (ask me personally for more details of how messed up I was.) my life was a wreck, i was still really messed up from my first girlfriend, i was a manic depressive person, contemplated suicide quit a bit, and all my other time was spent in bars playing pool, or hanging out with really bad company.

Anyway, one day i was playing games, and there was this other guy in the lan shop, and the conversation went something like this: (if bad language offends you, please don't read what follows)

Other Guy: F- You!
Me: F-You
OG: Come up here and say it (he was on the second floor)
Me: No i think herpes is contagious (really helping the situation)
Some Other Guy: he's on computer 12
....... silence .......

The guy started coming down the steps, and i was petrified, i didn't know what to do, so i just looked at my computer screen and worried more and more.
Anyway, looking at computer screen didn't help, and the guy was going something like "what the hells your problem" me... i was worried now, so i was like "i was just kidding..."

I looked back to the computer screen, only to be punched in the head, and i went down pretty fast, and the rest of his friends, (another 7 or so) and beat the hell out of me... literally :D

Anyway, 10 min later, i'm lying in my own blood with a broken finger, and a very bloodied up face, and my body was kinda hurting. Went to the hospital, doctors screwed up, later had to have pins thru my finger to fix it.

That was pretty traumatising, but it wasn't the physical pain that hurt... the thing that hurt the most is that i had people around me who were ment to be my friends... and they did nothing, i had about 7-8 friends there too, and they did nothing at all... people who i thought i could count on. It really hurt, it felt worse than anything in the world... when i needed them the most, they weren't there, i felt like i couldn't trust anyone.

Anyway, this led to me staying in my room at the RAH (royal adelaide hospital) for about 3 months straight without leaving, oh and i was staying there because my parents just sold their house... But god really provided in the most unusual way. There was this guy, who had to be at least 150 kg and he looked like a big scary biky, but he had the biggest heart. Although sadly i've lost contact with him, he had alot of issues himself. I wish i could tell him god loves him, because he felt as if no one loved him at all (please tell people the love of god, cause everyone is hurting)

Well, during that christmas i went back to malaysia, and just cried alot, and spent time with my mum, life didn't seem to be getting better, i had failed all my exams, and life was just going downhill.

Then the new year started, and i was walking around uni during O'week, and Paul (really good guy, talk to him, godly, and knows alot) came up to me and evangelised. It went something like this:

Paul : hi my name is Paul...
Me: uhhh... okay?... oh sorry.. my names ben.
Paul: do you know about god?
Ben: (eek gad, weirdo) umm yes? I'm a christian (on paper)
Paul: really?
Ben: not really... i do believe in god.
Paul: well we have this group called ccm, on thursdays at 5:15, would you like to come.
Ben: (smiles and nods) suuurrreee...

Anyway, off i went, and then it occured to me, that i didn't really have anything else to do... and my life sucked anyway, so some new faces could help... also i heard that church groups generally have lots of asian girls... so i thought perhaps i could pick up one of them, so i went.

Well, i spent the next 3 months going to ccm and eventually going to church.... i have no idea at all why... i spent the whole time sitting in the back, either
a) sleeping (which really really really annoyed nick... maahhha)
b) looking at everyone and thinking.... man christians are weird.

But, by the grace of god i kept going, and suddenly one day, i saw how Brendan, helen, paul (only 3 i really knew then) loved people, and how no matter where you were from or what you did or how you smelt, they loved and cared for you... and i thought to myself... i want that... i don't know what it is, but my life is so crap, i want that, i want to be able to love people, and just care, with no hidden motives.

Thus I said the sinners prayer (all for the wrong reasons by the way, it was cause a girl i liked was christian and i thought i should have something in common) but god answered, and he came into my life and changed me in so many ways, he gave me hope, forgiveness, and strength... i use to wish i could have found him later so i could sin more... but now i wish i found him earlier.

What is my life like now?

I wake, and have purpose... i can love people for who they are... i feel alive, i don't have all this hate in my heart, but a longing to love people more and more... i love life.

I am still flawed, and i still sin, and i still make mistakes, and life as a christian is hard... it's a constant battle, but i have unmentionable joy, and i know death is not the end for me.

God loves you, ALL of you, and he doesn't care about your past... all before will be forgiven if you turn to him, and you can never do anything that God's grace cannot cover, His forgiveness is beyond anything i could ever do, and he still loves me, and he loves you (reader).

God is the author and perfecter of our faith, and my life is aglow with love for Jesus.

If you would like to know more about god, or have any questions, please feel free to email me at

God loves You.

Friday, May 20, 2005

1st Posting

Well, here we go again, this time my blogger is unknown to everyone else in my Church group, so now i am free to blog, how i want to blog. MAAAHHHAAA, well i guess it ain't that great. So what is new in my life. Well, lets see, i recently stuffed up another relationship, and now i'm grasping at what seems to me to be straws in order to make it into some sort of healthy friendship. With my track record this could be a first.

But no, just incase that special person is reading this, i have to say, dispite any of her problems or weird quirks, she is an amazing person, who's really interesting, and seems to have a strange habit of laughing the most when people FART?~ Well, i never denied women were strange and unusual.

We have this silly angel and guardian game going on, where you have to be nice to the person you pick out of this box thing, and then you try to stay annonymous and send them stuff, or something like that. Well, i got the person that i prayed (only light heartedly) not to get... It's not that she's a bad person... she's actually really nice, perhaps a little strange and erratic, but most people are. Although i kind of enjoy the challenge, because now i have to do, what i wanted to do, is learn to be nice... man... god has bad humour... i like it :D

Well saturday i'm going paint ball skirmishing... YAY, i loooovvveee shooting people, but i also have this giant ass pimple coming on my nose and i don't know if i now want to evangelise on the bus, probable because i'm so arragent that it is hurting my pride. Although, now i can see if a girl likes me because of my personality, or looks, or lack of them... seeing that girls seem to be able to put up with ugly people alot better than we males can.

Well, i'm also struggling to learn how to play the mario brothers theme song on my guitar... crazy song. But it's better than studying.
Anyway, that's enough for my first time.

This picture below is ment to represent how i feel when i get too flustered, and thus why i must miss weekend evangelism in order to go let off steam.