Friday, May 20, 2005

1st Posting

Well, here we go again, this time my blogger is unknown to everyone else in my Church group, so now i am free to blog, how i want to blog. MAAAHHHAAA, well i guess it ain't that great. So what is new in my life. Well, lets see, i recently stuffed up another relationship, and now i'm grasping at what seems to me to be straws in order to make it into some sort of healthy friendship. With my track record this could be a first.

But no, just incase that special person is reading this, i have to say, dispite any of her problems or weird quirks, she is an amazing person, who's really interesting, and seems to have a strange habit of laughing the most when people FART?~ Well, i never denied women were strange and unusual.

We have this silly angel and guardian game going on, where you have to be nice to the person you pick out of this box thing, and then you try to stay annonymous and send them stuff, or something like that. Well, i got the person that i prayed (only light heartedly) not to get... It's not that she's a bad person... she's actually really nice, perhaps a little strange and erratic, but most people are. Although i kind of enjoy the challenge, because now i have to do, what i wanted to do, is learn to be nice... man... god has bad humour... i like it :D

Well saturday i'm going paint ball skirmishing... YAY, i loooovvveee shooting people, but i also have this giant ass pimple coming on my nose and i don't know if i now want to evangelise on the bus, probable because i'm so arragent that it is hurting my pride. Although, now i can see if a girl likes me because of my personality, or looks, or lack of them... seeing that girls seem to be able to put up with ugly people alot better than we males can.

Well, i'm also struggling to learn how to play the mario brothers theme song on my guitar... crazy song. But it's better than studying.
Anyway, that's enough for my first time.

This picture below is ment to represent how i feel when i get too flustered, and thus why i must miss weekend evangelism in order to go let off steam.


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